Research & Media
Lessons from the Great Resignation

The pandemic led to what has been coined as, “The Great Resignation,” throughout the United States. In the month of September 2021, a record number of 4.4 million Americans left their jobs (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). So, what does this mean for Canada? While Canadian organizations are not currently seeing a drastic number of resignations, there are certainly lessons to learn.

What can we do to improve retention and prevent the Great Resignation?

Extend flexible work options

While there are many programs, perks, and bonuses you can offer to retain employees (and we’ll get to that), flexible hours are one of the most attractive employee offerings. In this new age that embraces remote work and hybrid models, employees have more options than ever before. To maintain a competitive advantage and create a culture that values work-life balance, extend your employees the option of flexible hours. As long as quality work is being produced and deadlines are being met, allow your employees to take a little extra time at lunch to attend a workout class or leave work early to drive their child home from school and finish their project that evening. These types of small gestures that typically have no impact on the business can significantly improve the employee experience and, in turn, retention.

Listen to employees and action feedback

To create a work environment that employees do not want to leave, listen to what makes them want to stay. Beyond having candid conversations with your team, collect employee surveys that capture their feedback on employee experience, organizational culture and areas of opportunity. If you are already implementing surveys, consider what you are doing with the comments received. The only thing worse than not listening to your employees or collecting their feedback is collecting feedback and not actioning it. Look for common themes and try to implement suggestions in a meaningful way. Notice that when your employees see that you act on their feedback, they will have increased confidence in the leadership team and feel more valued.  

Establish your organizational culture

Organizational culture represents the shared values and beliefs that influence how your business operates. From leadership behaviours and attitudes to employee outcomes, these values and beliefs are cultivated top-down. Strive to embed your culture into the employee experiencing by sharing and reflecting business values in everything you do. Ensure that leaders, management, HR and all teams are on the same page and sharing the same messages in touch points, meetings, communication documents, etc. Employees should be able to clearly identify their organizational culture, which will help them feel a sense of inclusivity and contribute to a positive employee experience.

Emphasize and support employee well-being

Well-being programs are no longer a “nice-to-have.” Organizations must be proactive about employee wellness to maintain a competitive advantage and increase talent retention. Personalized programs that look at wellness holistically offer members an inclusive experience that meets them wherever they are in their health journey and no matter what they are trying to achieve. Investing in digital wellness programs demonstrates that you care about your employees and gives them more reason to continue working at your organization.

Get in touch with our team to discover how BestLifeRewarded Innovations can support your organization with its customizable wellness program.